ONLINE-Seminar with E. & H. Furthmeier Hellinger® Education
Hellinger® EDUCATION – New ways in education, learning and teaching
The instrument of Original Hellinger® Familienstellen can also be applied to all topics in the area of school.
The school represents a field of diverse relationships. Each of the participants brings their own history with them. Very often, in the case of difficulties in learning and in school, entangled behaviors from the personal family system are transferred to the school system and even to the respective subject matter.
In the working field of school, the basic orders of rank and belonging can be ignored as quickly as in hardly any other field. These orders are violated unconsciously. The consequences are conflicts, aggression, learning disorders, lack of concentration, ADHD, misunderstandings, arguments, exclusion, bullying, etc.
The so-called difficult children are at the same time the children who love the most and therefore represent a complex task for teachers and parents. They are distressed by their blind, magical childish love, directed backwards towards the system.
In the case of lack of concentration, hyperactivity, aggressiveness or lack of drive, all too often and too quickly medication is resorted to. Then mistakes and culprits are sought. What is usually missing is a view of the whole, of the tr