Cosmic Power
на семинаре Софи Хеллингер

Cosmic Power® is energy.

Energy is movement. Movement is life. Life is energy.


"Cosmic Power Basic - What for? Why? Where to?"

Специальный курс о Cosmic Power с Софи Хеллингер.

О её сути, областях применения и уникальных возможностях.


„Cosmic Power
Becoming a real human being“

Discover the power that drives everything at the seminar by Sophie Hellinger

19. - 22.04.2022

„Cosmic Power Basic
What for, Where to“

A special course about Cosmic Power
with Sophie Hellinger.

О её сути, областях применения и уникальных возможностях.

What is Cosmic Power?

Cosmic Power® is energy.

Energy is indestructible, it can only be transformed.

Energy is movement.

Movement is life.

Life is energy.

Cosmic Power® is neither a method nor a doctrine or a religion.

Cosmic Power is the force that moves everything.

Что необходимо для Cosmic Power®?

Anyone can learn how to connect to Cosmic Power.

It only requires the awareness and the necessary mindfulness.

Cosmic Power®
gives life a new direction.

Cosmic Power®
leads into the lightness of existence, joy and happiness.

Cosmic Power®
brings answers to questions of life that are not conceivable or possible in our daily routine.

Cosmic Power®
is the connection with everything that is conceivable und inconceivable.

Cosmic Power®
is available to young and old, it can be experienced everywhere at any time and possible in any form.

Cosmic Power®
can be experienced and doesn’t only give answers but leads to a different and new level of experience.

Family Constellation & Cosmic Power® by Sophie Hellinger

Original Cosmic Power® Constellations work basically on the information level. There is no need to present a concern or explain anything. This would already limit the "I" that wants to show itself on several levels.

Original Cosmic Power® constellations run simultaneously in several "spaces". In order to open these energy fields, meditation takes place before an Original Cosmic Power® Constellation. The application of the breathing technique is the key.

Cosmic Power is the basis of Hellinger Sciencia Constellations. Here is no need to hear about a person’s issue, but it’s the art of listening with the heart. Using Cosmic Power® through the Hellinger Constellations we enter in dimensions where the client doesn’t need to verbally express his problem.

Cosmic Power® Courses and Semianars

The Cosmic Power® seminar and course are about taking responsibility for yourself and your whole life, finding new approaches and implementing them. It is about the expansion of consciousness and the activation of self-healing powers on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

Once we have recognized the full potential for ourselves, we are able to pass on what we have received. In the Cosmic Power® courses, we receive the key with which the lock opens to experience on a wide variety of levels.


Each one of the Cosmic Power® courses and seminars is a puzzle to activate one’s own life energy in order to be and feel permanently connected to the Cosmic Power.

With Cosmic Power®, family constellators and those who want to become family constellators learn the essentials that lead into depth.

Through meditation and the activation of the self-healing powers we open further areas. The keys are unintentionality and the special Cosmic Power® breathing technique.

Cosmic Power® Seminars

Introduction into Cosmic Power®
leads into the lightness of existence, joy and happiness.

Cosmic Power® Basic
gives life a new direction.

Cosmic Power® Chakra
leads into the lightness of existence, joy and happiness.

Cosmic Power® Whta for? Why? Where to?
leads into the lightness of existence, joy and happiness.

Cosmic Power® Courses

Cosmic Power®
gives life a new direction.

Cosmic Power®
leads into the lightness of existence, joy and happiness.

Cosmic Power®
leads into the lightness of existence, joy and happiness.

Cosmic Power®
leads into the lightness of existence, joy and happiness.

Cosmic Power® - путь к полному жизненному потенциалу

Cosmic Power® — это путь силы к самоопределению. Внутренняя сила высвобождается, и открывается новая реальность нашего бытия.

Content of course
"Cosmic Power - Для чего? Почему? Зачем?"

Области применения и возможности, результаты практики


Учимся разговаривать с телом

Распознаем бессознательные блокады



Внешнее восприятие


Слушаем внутренний голос



Энергетические центры

Are there any conditions for participation в курсе Cosmic Power Основы?

Cosmic Power® доступен любому человеку, его может изучить и применить каждый, он отвечает на жизненные вопросы.

Участвовать могут все желающие.

Cosmic Power® ведет к легкости бытия, к радости и счастью.

Online seminar schedule

The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find расписание семинара в соответствии с местным временем вашей страны.


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"Cosmic Power Основы - Зачем? Почему? Куда?"


1 участник


- Прямая трансляция семинара через Zoom с возможностью взаимодействия и синхронным переводом на английский, русский, испанский, португальский, итальянский, болгарский, китайский и русский языки.

- Возможность задать вопрос на своём родном языке

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