Seminar with Sophie Hellinger Original Hellinger® Constellations – Always ahead of times

Always at the pulse – Sophie Hellinger moves forward!
Will you come along?

Here you will experience the latest findings of the Hellinger® research work.
We are training the new generation of family constellators.

Up to now, participants from over 50 nations have always attended annually. You will have experiences that are not possible in your own country and in your own environment. The international atmosphere creates a strong new field. It is impossible to describe it, only the experience counts here.

After the Hellinger® Days you will also say, like thousands before you - no matter if there was a personal constellation for you or not:
“My life BEFORE Hellinger® and my life AFTER Hellinger®.“

The multicultural field that builds up during these days should not be underestimated in any case.
The constellations become mass constellations across all borders. You will be immersed and lifted up into new levels of healing and understanding without necessarily having to do a constellation yourself. Being there is everything.
After these days and after what you have experienced, it is impossible to remain the same person in the old waters. The horizons shift and lift the veil of mystery. In these new levels and dimensions, the information merges into a new understanding of love and life in one's own heart.

Seminar times:</