Seminar with Susanne Trübenecker “Me and Cosmic Power” (Module V)
Helping people to help themselves, responsibility for one’s own health.
Familienstellen, posture, breath, connection.
How often do we worry about what really keeps us alive second by second? The most obvious fades into the background because it is so self-evident. It is an order of the universe and the basis of everything that lives. It is the air.
Be honest: Have you ever thought about it?
At the latest when air literally escapes us, we realize the fragility and the danger that we cannot live without air.
There are various sayings that we use, but without ever having examined the background more closely:
• Hold your breath!
• You take my breath away.
• You take away my air to breathe.
There is a great wisdom behind these sayings.
How can someone take my breath away?
That means: something has become too tight, and from this arises a fundamental danger. It is the danger of not surviving under these circumstances.
Cosmic Power® includes everything and not just the air, but everything that exists.<