
SEMINAR WITH yasen danailov

Better Eyesight Training

+ Body Exercises

Do you want to improve your vision regardless of age and dioptres?

Do they want to maintain their clear vision into old age?

SEMINAR WITH Yasen Danailov

"Better Eyesight Training"

+ "Body Exercises"

Do you want to improve your vision regardless of age and dioptres?

Do they want to maintain their clear vision into old age?

O seminário será conduzido por

Yasen Danailov

We are pleased to have Yasen Danailov as lecturer for this course. He has completed a comprehensive training as an “Better Eyesight Trainer” according to the "Bates Method", the most effective method to restore normal vision.

Bert Hellinger healed himself with this method. He is the most prominent example of 4 dioptres being cured. After decades as a spectacle wearer, he succeeded in restoring his visual power in a short time.

O seminário será conduzido por

Yasen Danailov

We are pleased to have Yasen Danailov as lecturer for this course. He has completed a comprehensive training as an “Better Eyesight Trainer” according to the "Bates Method", the most effective method to restore normal vision.

Bert Hellinger healed himself with this method. He is the most prominent example of 4 dioptres being cured. After decades as a spectacle wearer, he succeeded in restoring his visual power in a short time.


The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Here you can find o horário do seminário de acordo com a hora local do seu país.


Morning: "Better Eyesight Training"

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Over 80% of our daily information is received and processed through our eyes.

If you have been wearing glasses for years can your vision improve or even be cured? Yasen Danailov says YES! He is convinced of it. Nature itself has given us a mechanism for this.

Afternoon: "Body Exercises"

Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

To be able to absorb and use the energy of Cosmic Power®, we need a permeable body. Therefore special exercises are shown that make the flow of energy possible or support it.

When you work all day and your head is overloaded, it is easy to suffer Problems with concentration, headache and tension.

Yasen Danailov shows you exercises that can be done at any time. It will bring you more energy, attention and relaxation.

Online-Live seminar

Seja no local ou em casa, você é parte ativa do seminário.

You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
Você tem a mesma chance de compartilhar suas preocupações com os participantes no local.

Inscrição fácil, atendimento sem enrolação, participação sem estresse.

Seminar with Yasen Danailov

"Better Eyesight Training" and "Body Exercises"


1 pessoa

- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom with interaction possibility and simultaneous translations into English and Chinese.
Language of the seminar - German.

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