
Seminarium z Hermannem Furthmeierem

Constellations for career and business

Work and career play a significant role in our lives and ensure our material well-being.

Sovereignty and personal competence are essential for this.


Seminarium z Hermannem Furthmeierem

Constellations for career
and business

Work and career play a significant role in our lives and ensure our material well-being.

Sovereignty and personal competence are essential for this.

What will you gain from this seminar?

In this seminar, you will learn to identify and resolve professional and personal issues through the method of family constellations, proven effective by thousands of people worldwide.

What will you gain from this seminar?

In this seminar, you will learn to identify and resolve professional and personal issues through the method of family constellations, proven effective by thousands of people worldwide.

What will you gain from this seminar?

In this seminar, you will learn to identify and resolve professional and personal issues through the method of family constellations, proven effective by thousands of people worldwide.

Why should you attend?

Gain new perspectives on work

Recognize relationship systems in teams

Create a positive work climate

Find the balance between giving and taking

Support in making upcoming decisions

Develop enjoyment in work and career

Recognize the connection between life and success

Appreciate the right to belong

Why should you attend?

Gain new perspectives on work

Recognize relationship systems in teams

Create a positive work climate

Find the balance between giving and taking

Support in making upcoming decisions

Develop enjoyment in work and career

Recognize the connection between life and success

Appreciate the right to belong

Why should you attend?

Gain new perspectives on work

Recognize relationship systems in teams

Create a positive work climate

Support in making upcoming decisions

Recognize the connection between life and success

Appreciate the right to belong

Develop enjoyment in work and career

Find the balance between giving and taking

Hermann Furthmeier

will show you how Constellations could help people gain new perspectives for their work and career.

Essential aspects of professional problems, positions, or companies become visible quickly.

Conflicts in professional relationships, the impact of restructuring, and the causes of success and failure become apparent.

The term "re-enactment" refers to the transfer of family issues to the workplace.

Pending decisions or changes are analyzed to find possible solutions that benefit all parties involved and the organization.

Hermann Furthmeier

will show you how Constellations could help people gain new perspectives for their work and career.

Essential aspects of professional problems, positions, or companies become visible quickly.

Conflicts in professional relationships, the impact of restructuring, and the causes of success and failure become apparent.

The term "re-enactment" refers to the transfer of family issues to the workplace.

Pending decisions or changes are analyzed to find possible solutions that benefit all parties involved and the organization.

Seminar schedule

The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. In the table you will find harmonogram seminarium zgodnie z czasem w Twoim kraju.


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

Seminar schedule

The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. In the table you will find harmonogram seminarium zgodnie z czasem w Twoim kraju.


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

Online-Live seminar

Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś na miejscu, czy w domu, jesteś aktywną częścią seminarium.

You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
Masz taką samą szansę na podniesienie swoich spraw jak uczestnicy na miejscu.

Uczestnicy obecni stają się reprezentantami własnej Konstelacji. * Pole Konstelacji Rodzinnych otacza ich z taką samą intensywnością, niezależnie od tego, czy są obecni, czy daleko.

Łatwa rejestracja, łatwa obsługa, bezstresowe uczestnictwo.

* to nie gwarantuje, że otrzymasz Ustawienie. Wykładowca według własnego uznania wybiera uczestników spośród tych online i stacjonarnych.


Seminarium z Hermannem Furthmeierem
Constellations for career and business

1 uczestnik

- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom with interaction possibility and simultaneous translations into English and Chinese. The seminar language is German.

- Z możliwością zadawania pytań i poruszania problemów w swoim ojczystym języku oraz możliwością otrzymania własnej ustawienia.

Sold out

Seminar schedule


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

zoom online

Seminarium z Hermannem Furthmeierem
Constellations for career and business

1 uczestnik

- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom with interaction possibility and simultaneous translations into English and Chinese. The seminar language is German.

- Z możliwością zadawania pytań i poruszania problemów w swoim ojczystym języku oraz możliwością otrzymania własnej ustawienia.

Sold out

Whether on site or at home, you are an active part of the seminar.

You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
Masz taką samą szansę na podniesienie swoich spraw jak uczestnicy na miejscu.

Uczestnicy obecni stają się reprezentantami własnej Konstelacji. * Pole Konstelacji Rodzinnych otacza ich z taką samą intensywnością, niezależnie od tego, czy są obecni, czy daleko.

Łatwa rejestracja, łatwa obsługa, bezstresowe uczestnictwo.

* to nie gwarantuje, że otrzymasz Ustawienie. Wykładowca według własnego uznania wybiera uczestników spośród tych online i stacjonarnych.

Would you like to have more experiences as a representative in a constellation?

Then register for the seminar Constellations for career and business and attend it IN PERSON at Hellinger Schule in Germany.

Doświadczenie związane z rolą reprezentanta nie jest tylko decyzją i wydarzeniem dla klienta, ale także dla reprezentanta.


Seminarium z Hermannem Furthmeierem

Constellations for career and business

1 uczestnik

- The possibility to participate in the constellation in person directly at the Hellingerschule.
- Możliwość zadawania pytań osobiście na miejscu w Szkole Hellinger

Sold out

Would you like to have more experiences as a representative in a constellation?

Then register for the seminar Constellations for career and business and attend it IN PERSON at Hellinger Schule in Germany.

Doświadczenie związane z rolą reprezentanta nie jest tylko decyzją i wydarzeniem dla klienta, ale także dla reprezentanta.


Seminarium z Hermannem Furthmeierem

Constellations for career and business

1 uczestnik

- The possibility to participate in the constellation in person directly at the Hellingerschule.
- Możliwość zadawania pytań osobiście na miejscu w Szkole Hellinger

Sold out