25.-28.07.2023 (2 hours daily)

„Cosmic Power®️ Basic
What for? Why? Where to?“

About body awareness, conscious breathing, and inner alignment. A special course by and with Sophie Hellinger.


"Cosmic Power®️ Basic - What for? Why? Where to?"

A special course with Sophie Hellinger.

About its essence, areas of application, and unique possibilities.


„Cosmic Power
Becoming a real human being“

Discover the power that drives everything at the seminar by Sophie Hellinger


„Cosmic Power®️ Basic

What for? Why? Where to?“

A special course about Cosmic Power
with Sophie Hellinger.

About its essence, areas of application, and unique possibilities.

Cosmic Power® is the path of full life potential

Cosmic Power® is the path of power to self-determination. The inner power is unleashed and a new reality of our being presents itself.

Cosmic Power® offers solutions for countless questions in life and is accessible to everyone. It leads to ease, joy and happiness in your own life.

Cosmic Power® is the path of full life potential

Cosmic Power® is the path of power to self-determination. The inner power is unleashed and a new reality of our being presents itself.

Cosmic Power® offers solutions for countless questions in life and is accessible to everyone. It leads to ease, joy and happiness in your own life.

Course content
"Cosmic Power® Basics - What for, why, where to"

This seminar focuses on the following key points: You learn to listen to your body and understand its hidden language. This helps you to identify unconscious blockages in your body and to deal with your feelings and trauma. Sophie Hellinger explains the importance of breathing exercises and meditation to help you connect more deeply with yourself. The aspect of physical and inner orientation is also dealt with, with the focus on the inner decision. During the course you will always have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers to your concerns.

Content of course
"Cosmic Power Basic - What for? Why? Where to?"

Areas of application and possibilities, results from practice


Learning to speak to the body

Perceive Unconscious Blockages



External Perception


Listen to the Inner Voice



Energy Centers

Are there any conditions for participation in Cosmic Power®️ Basic course?

Cosmic Power® can be experienced, learned and applied by everyone, it answers life's questions.

No prerequisites for participation. Cosmic Power® leads to health, to joy and to the ease of being.

Are there any conditions for participation in Cosmic Power®️ Basic course?

Cosmic Power® can be experienced, learned and applied by everyone, it answers life's questions.

No prerequisite for participation.

Cosmic Power® leads to the lightness of being, to joy and happiness.

Online seminar schedule

The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find harmonogram seminarium zgodnie z czasem w Twoim kraju.


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

Online seminar schedule

The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find harmonogram seminarium zgodnie z czasem w Twoim kraju.


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

Seminarium online na żywo

Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś na miejscu, czy w domu, jesteś aktywną częścią seminarium.

You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
Masz taką samą szansę na podniesienie swoich spraw jak uczestnicy na miejscu.

Łatwa rejestracja, łatwa obsługa, bezstresowe uczestnictwo.


"Cosmic Power®️ Basic - What for? Why? Where to?"


1 uczestnik


- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom with interaction possibility and simultaneous translations into English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Bulgarian and Chinese

- Z możliwością zadawania pytań i prezentacji tematów w Twoim języku ojczystym

Sold out

Seminarium online na żywo

Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś na miejscu, czy w domu, jesteś aktywną częścią seminarium.
You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
Masz taką samą szansę na podniesienie swoich spraw jak uczestnicy na miejscu.

Łatwa rejestracja, łatwa obsługa, bezstresowe uczestnictwo.

"Cosmic Power®️ Basic - What for? Why? Where to?"


1 uczestnik


- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom with interaction possibility and simultaneous translations into English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Bulgarian and Chinese

- Z możliwością zadawania pytań i prezentacji tematów w Twoim języku ojczystym

Sold out

Would you like to personally experience Cosmic Power®️?

Then register for the seminar "Cosmic Power® Basics - What for, why, where to" and attend in person at the Hellingerschool in Bad Reichenhall (Germany).

Limited participation capacity
Bad Reichenhall, Niemcy

"Cosmic Power®️ Basic - What for? Why? Where to?"

1 uczestnik

- Możliwość zadawania osobiście pytań na miejscu w Szkole Hellinger w Bad Reichenhall, Niemcy

Sold out

Czy chciałbyś doświadczyć Cosmic Power® OSOBIŚCIE?

Then register for the seminar "Cosmic Power®️ Basic - What for? Why? Where to?" and attend it at Hellingerschule in Bad Reichenhall (Germany).

Limited participation capacity
Bad Reichenhall, Niemcy

"Cosmic Power®️ Basic - What for? Why? Where to?"

1 uczestnik

- Możliwość zadawania osobiście pytań na miejscu w Szkole Hellinger w Bad Reichenhall, Niemcy

Sold out

Why is it useful to attend the Cosmic Power®️ Basics course again and again?

Voices from the course

Because it is always a new beginning. Our consciousness or subconsciousness is different from the time we took the previous course. The energies change, as do the participants, and we may receive insights that we previously did not want to understand. Every opportunity should be gratefully accepted.

Why continue? Because nothing and no one is more important and fascinating than ourselves. With the Cosmic Power course, we have the real opportunity to explore ourselves even more deeply.

Why continue? Because "becoming human" is my life goal and through the Cosmic Power basic course or advanced levels, I have gained dignity and respect for myself. It is not a course, but a journey.

Italian participant

Cosmic Power is a constant practice where I can connect with what I am. From this center, I make the right decisions because I am better in harmony with what I must experience at the moment on my life journey.

Why repeat the basic course?

We always see something new when it comes to energy from a phenomenological perspective, as it constantly renews itself. This allows us to live in harmony with the movement of life. A simple analogy for this is that it's like putting on a new outfit with each step.

Brazilian participant

Cosmic Power is a profound knowledge that cannot be fully grasped if you only participate in one course. To truly understand the depth and meaning, it is necessary to be able to repeat the course.

I already participated in a live course in November and will continue to participate in all future basic courses. This gives me the opportunity to check my practice of meditation and laying on of hands in relation to the original idea. For example, I now have a completely different feeling for the energy centers than at the beginning and with each repetition of the basic course, I can bring in new connections and feelings that take me further.

German participant

Cosmic Power is a unique course without defined levels or stages. To deepen the content, it is important to return to the beginning again and again and repeat the basic course. This helps improve the meditations and breathing exercises and condition the body. This way, we can constantly improve and perfect ourselves.

German participant

Why take the Cosmic Power®️ Basic course over and over again?

Italian participant:

Because it is always a new beginning. Our consciousness or subconsciousness is different from the time we took the previous course. The energies change, as do the participants, and we may receive insights that we previously did not want to understand. Every opportunity should be gratefully accepted.

Why continue? Because nothing and no one is more important and fascinating than ourselves. With the Cosmic Power course, we have the real opportunity to explore ourselves even more deeply.

Why continue? Because "becoming human" is my life goal and through the Cosmic Power basic course or advanced levels, I have gained dignity and respect for myself. It is not a course, but a journey.

Brazilian participant:

Cosmic Power is a constant practice where I can connect with what I am. From this center, I make the right decisions because I am better in harmony with what I must experience at the moment on my life journey.

Why repeat the basic course?

We always see something new when it comes to energy from a phenomenological perspective, as it constantly renews itself. This allows us to live in harmony with the movement of life. A simple analogy for this is that it's like putting on a new outfit with each step.

German participant:

Cosmic Power is a profound knowledge that cannot be fully grasped if you only participate in one course. To truly understand the depth and meaning, it is necessary to be able to repeat the course.

I already participated in a live course in November and will continue to participate in all future basic courses. This gives me the opportunity to check my practice of meditation and laying on of hands in relation to the original idea. For example, I now have a completely different feeling for the energy centers than at the beginning and with each repetition of the basic course, I can bring in new connections and feelings that take me further.

German participant:

Cosmic Power is a unique course without defined levels or stages. To deepen the content, it is important to return to the beginning again and again and repeat the basic course. This helps improve the meditations and breathing exercises and condition the body. This way, we can constantly improve and perfect ourselves.