2.12. + 3.12.2023

Seminarium z Hermannem Furthmeierem

Module XIV of the Family Constellation Training

"Me and My Happiness"

What is real happiness? Where can I find it?

How is it possible for each of us to experience true happiness on all levels of life?

It all starts with the questions: Who am I really? Where do I come from?

Not just getting back on your feet after a bad event, but coming out of it stronger is a valuable quality that we all inherit.

Just like being happy. Nevertheless, there are people who are dissatisfied and unhappy for the rest of their lives.

They don't achieve great things they remain masters of the victim state.

How is it possible for each of us to experience true happiness on all levels of life?

It all starts with the questions: Who am I really? Where do I come from?

Not just getting back on your feet after a bad event, but coming out of it stronger is a valuable quality that we all inherit.

Just like being happy. Nevertheless, there are people who are dissatisfied and unhappy for the rest of their lives.

They don't achieve great things they remain masters of the victim state.

Our origin, the source of our being, are our parents.

If our mother and father are the very source of our present physical body, why are we not fully one with them in this awareness of acknowledgment?

Some even behave as if this source of being does not exist. Others have poisoned them with their thoughts, feelings, and actions. The result is they can no longer feed on this precious resource. They are powerless, without energy and without drive.

Some have consciously turned away from their lives, their success and their love, others unconsciously.

In this seminar we will look together for the essential steps to take the right place in our lives again.

Our origin, the source of our being, are our parents.

If our mother and father are the very source of our present physical body, why are we not fully one with them in this awareness of acknowledgment?

Some even behave as if this source of being does not exist. Others have poisoned them with their thoughts, feelings, and actions. The result is they can no longer feed on this precious resource. They are powerless, without energy and without drive.

Some have consciously turned away from their lives, their success and their love, others unconsciously.

In this seminar we will look together for the essential steps to take the right place in our lives again.

Simultaneously, our thoughts and our feelings change.

The chemical processes in the brain and the happiness hormones enter the bloodstream through recognition and gratitude.

This new network leads to the source of our origin and releases completely new energies.

With humility and gratitude in our hearts, a completely new self-esteem forms in us and our life energy is strengthened.

With this power we move in the fast lane and this path finally leads to our own true peace. And that is deep, real happiness.

Simultaneously, our thoughts and our feelings change.

The chemical processes in the brain and the happiness hormones enter the bloodstream through recognition and gratitude.

This new network leads to the source of our origin and releases completely new energies.

With humility and gratitude in our hearts, a completely new self-esteem forms in us and our life energy is strengthened.

With this power we move in the fast lane and this path finally leads to our own true peace. And that is deep, real happiness.

This module is part of Level 2 of our training program. It is designed for people who want to dive deeper into the work of Original Hellinger® Family Constellations and acquire a professional diploma.

Be it as an additional training to the profession practiced so far or for a completely new direction. Our training program is an officially recognised school and educational measure for adults by the government of Upper Bavaria.

Harmonogram seminariów online

The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find harmonogram seminarium zgodnie z czasem w Twoim kraju.


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

Seminarium online na żywo

Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś na miejscu, czy w domu, jesteś aktywną częścią seminarium.

You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
Masz taką samą szansę na podniesienie swoich spraw jak uczestnicy na miejscu.

Uczestnicy obecni stają się reprezentantami własnej Konstelacji. * Pole Konstelacji Rodzinnych otacza ich z taką samą intensywnością, niezależnie od tego, czy są obecni, czy daleko.

Łatwa rejestracja, łatwa obsługa, bezstresowe uczestnictwo.

* to nie gwarantuje, że otrzymasz Ustawienie. Wykładowca według własnego uznania wybiera uczestników spośród tych online i stacjonarnych.

Would you like to have more experiences as a representative in a constellation?

Then register for the seminar "Me and My Happiness" and attend it IN PERSON at Hellinger Schule in Germany.

Doświadczenie związane z rolą reprezentanta nie jest tylko decyzją i wydarzeniem dla klienta, ale także dla reprezentanta.