12.11. -13.11.2022

Module VI of the Family Constellation Training

"Me and my Family"

Seminarium z Hermannem Furthmeierem

Family as a refuge, strength
and source of success, health and life.

12.11. -13.11.2022

Module VI of the Family Constellation Training

"Me and my Family"

Seminarium z Hermannem Furthmeierem

Family as a refuge, strength
and source of success, health and life.

Nic nie jest tak nie doceniane, jak powiązanie z rodziną.

Nothing brings us out of our calm and to the point so quickly and lets us sink into the deepest emotion of joy or sorrow so quickly as the words "family, father, mother, siblings".

Especially when the relationship is not the smoothest, when we get stuck in reproaches, blame, accusations and finger-pointing.

However, this attitude turns out to be a one-way street leading to a dead end.

All too quickly it is forgotten that we could not survive on our own, what and how much our parents did for us.

Although you sometimes or even more often reach the limits of your strength - being a father, mother or child - is not an easy task for anyone.

The range of responsibilities is as individual for each person as no day is like the other and no night is like the other.

Nic nie jest tak nie doceniane, jak powiązanie z rodziną.

Nothing brings us out of our calm and to the point so quickly and lets us sink into the deepest emotion of joy or sorrow so quickly as the words "family, father, mother, siblings".

Especially when the relationship is not the smoothest, when we get stuck in reproaches, blame, accusations and finger-pointing.

However, this attitude turns out to be a one-way street leading to a dead end.

All too quickly it is forgotten that we could not survive on our own, what and how much our parents did for us.

Although you sometimes or even more often reach the limits of your strength - being a father, mother or child - is not an easy task for anyone.

The range of responsibilities is as individual for each person as no day is like the other and no night is like the other.

How often did you say
"Thank you"?

Who prepared your bed every day?

How often were you cared for when you were sick?

Who gave you something to eat?

Who supported and held you when you had problems?


How often did you think about these everyday events? Or did you take them for granted?

Probably all these thoughts and feelings only come into your head when you have children yourself.

How often did you say "Thank you"?

Who prepared your bed every day?

How often were you cared for when you were sick?

Who gave you something to eat?

Who supported and held you when you had problems?


How often did you think about these everyday events? Or did you take them for granted?

Probably all these thoughts and feelings only come into your head when you have children yourself.

The seminar is facilitated by

Hermann Furthmeier

Is it really necessary to stand in front of a pile of broken glass and experience pain and suffering?

Or are there ways to free yourself from these entanglements?

The best intentions, the deepest wishes, the greatest expectations and the most intimate willingness are all too often thrown overboard in a matter of minutes.

In this seminar you can immerse yourself in order to put in order what is beneficial to the Order of Love and life.

The seminar is facilitated by

Hermann Furthmeier

Is it really necessary to stand in front of a pile of broken glass and experience pain and suffering?

Or are there ways to free yourself from these entanglements?

The best intentions, the deepest wishes, the greatest expectations and the most intimate willingness are all too often thrown overboard in a matter of minutes.

In this seminar you can immerse yourself in order to put in order what is beneficial to the Order of Love and life.

Seminarium „Ja i moja rodzina” może być początkiem szkolenia dla Original Hellinger® Rodzinnego Konstellatora.

Możesz rozpocząć szkolenie w dowolnym momencie. Możesz brać udział w modułach w dowolnej kolejności. Po ukończeniu Poziomu I otrzymasz certyfikat „Kontynuacja Edukacji w Rozwoju Osobistym”.

Seminarium „Ja i moja rodzina” może być początkiem szkolenia dla Original Hellinger® Rodzinnego Konstellatora.

Możesz rozpocząć szkolenie w dowolnym momencie. Możesz brać udział w modułach w dowolnej kolejności. Po ukończeniu Poziomu I otrzymasz certyfikat „Kontynuacja Edukacji w Rozwoju Osobistym”.


The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find harmonogram seminarium zgodnie z czasem w Twoim kraju.


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find harmonogram seminarium zgodnie z czasem w Twoim kraju.


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

Seminarium online na żywo

Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś na miejscu, czy w domu, jesteś aktywną częścią seminarium.

You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
Masz taką samą szansę na podniesienie swoich spraw jak uczestnicy na miejscu.

Łatwa rejestracja, łatwa obsługa, bezstresowe uczestnictwo.

Moduł VI szkolenia w zakresie Konstelacji rodzinnych

"Me and my family"


1 uczestnik

- Live-transmisja seminarium stosując Zoom z możliwością interaktywnej komunkkacji i równoczesnego tłumaczenia na Angielski, Rosyjski, Hiszpański, Portugalski, Włoski, Chiński, Polski i Bulgarski

- Z możliwością zadawania pytań i prezentacji tematów w Twoim języku ojczystym

Sold out

Seminarium online na żywo

Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś na miejscu, czy w domu, jesteś aktywną częścią seminarium.

You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
Masz taką samą szansę na podniesienie swoich spraw jak uczestnicy na miejscu.

Łatwa rejestracja, łatwa obsługa, bezstresowe uczestnictwo.


"Me and my family"


1 uczestnik

- Live-transmisja seminarium stosując Zoom z możliwością interaktywnej komunkkacji i równoczesnego tłumaczenia na Angielski, Rosyjski, Hiszpański, Portugalski, Włoski, Chiński, Polski i Bulgarski

- Z możliwością zadawania pytań i prezentacji tematów w Twoim języku ojczystym

Sold out

Chiałbyś wziąść udział osobiście w seminarium?

Then register for "Me and my family" and attend it IN PERSON at Hellingerschule in Bad Reichenhall (Germany).

Limited participation capacity
Bad Reichenhall, Niemcy

Moduł VI szkolenia w zakresie Konstelacji rodzinnych

"Me and my family"

1 uczestnik

- Możliwość zadawania pytań osobiście na miejscu w Szkole Hellinger

Sold out