ONLINE-Seminar with Sophie Hellinger “Me and my Success” (Module VII)

Father – The foundation for stability in life

No one can release me from responsibility for my own life.
Sooner or later I will be confronted with my actions, words, thoughts and feelings.

Especially in professional life, my inner attitude is reflected in each of my colleagues and superiors.
I have to understand that the surroundings act only as a mirror of myself. It happens in a matter of seconds that I am thrown back into the emotions of my childhood towards my father or mother by a certain situation.

The past is always active in the now as well.

How often have we achieved success? How often, when success was within our grasp, did we jump off?

We all strive for success, at work and in love. The key to it is born in us.
You have to use it yourself.

The second most important source of our life, next to our mother, is our relationship with our father.
Only those who respect the father, who place and feel the father behind them, gather masculine strength.
At the father's hand, both sons and daughters learn to cope in the world. He sends them into life. He sets limits for them and teaches them to respect limits. This is the experiential step to succeed in life.

Any kind of addiction points to the absence of the father. As long as we wrestle with and reject the father, we have our backs to life. As a result, partners, colleagues, and our children fall into the void.

In the seminar we look at the importance of the father. We give the father his place in our lives. If we succeed in loving the father, in recognizing in him also what is deeply human, then he successfully carries us into love and into life.
As soon as the father has taken the right place, everything comes into flow. And everyone can explore and walk the steps of the ladder of success for themselves.

Seminar times:
10:00 - 13:00 + 15:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 13:00 + 15:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 13:00 + 15:00 - 17:00

by Zoom
0 Live-Stream

Additional information:
This seminar is also part of the training to become an "Original Hellinger® Family Constellator" and the further education in "Personal Growth".


Technical requirements:
❏ Smartphone/PC/Laptop

❏ A functioning videocam
❏ Speakers, headphones (we recommend headphones for better understanding of the translation channel and for reducing background noise while asking questions or giving feedback during the seminar)
❏ A stable internet connection (we recommend the use of a cable to connect to your internet)
❏ Download ZOOM
❏ Create an account on ZOOM (use the same email you used to register for the seminar)
❏ If you already have an account, please make sure you use the LATEST VERSION of ZOOM
Upgrade instruction:

Please consider the time zone and possible deviations!

If you are currently in a different time zone, please calculate the seminar times according to your local time.

The Zoom room will be open 30 minutes before each session to allow all participants to check their equipment and get support if needed.

Communication with the seminar room:
Online participants WILL HAVE an opportunity to ask Sophie a question, share a feedback and even get a constellation!

When Sophie will be referring to the online audience, please raise your hand (physically). Sophie will pick a person, and their microphone will be activated. You will be able to ask a question in your mother tongue which will be translated by the interpreter.

Technical support during the seminar:
Alexandra Telegram/Whatasapp/Wechat (in English or Russian)

23 credit hours

Contact Hellinger®schule Germany:

Tel +49 8652 656465

Lecturer: Sophie Hellinger
City: Live-Stream
Country: Germany
Start: 09.07.2021
End: 11.07.2021
Course language: German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, Chinese
Price: 750 €