Constellation seminar
Seminar with Mimansa Farny
Constellations help to uncover the real reasons why a life scenario "fails".
Knowing the cause and the root of the situation, everyone can influence it in their favor.
Constellations are an effective method to initiate solutions for problems and burdens.
Non-obvious connections of ordinary events are pointed out precisely.
Original Hellinger® Family Constellations help
To overcome crises and conflicts
To clarify relationships
To find a good place for yourself
To get new impulses for difficult decisions
To pause and to become aware of what is going on
To find other ways and to take a look at new things
Original Hellinger® Family Constellations help
To overcome crises and conflicts
To clarify relationships
To find a good place for yourself
To get new impulses for difficult decisions
To pause and to become aware of what is going on
To find other ways and to take a look at new things
Our lecturer, Mimansa Farny,
has decades of experience with Hellinger Family Constellations and is a sensitive and delicate master at uncovering entanglements in family systems.
All participants experience insights and gain valuable insights for themselves as well as in general on specific problems.
It is not necessary to explain everything. Each participant - client, proxy or gathered spectator - becomes an active part of the process and benefits equally.
Our lecturer, Mimansa Farny,
has decades of experience with Hellinger Family Constellations and is a sensitive and delicate master at uncovering entanglements in family systems.
All participants experience insights and gain valuable insights for themselves as well as in general on specific problems.
It is not necessary to explain everything. Each participant - client, proxy or gathered spectator - becomes an active part of the process and benefits equally.
Seminar schedule
The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find the schedule of the seminar according to your country's local time.
Seminar schedule
The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find the schedule of the seminar according to your country's local time.
Online-Live seminar
Whether on site or at home, you are an active part of the seminar.
You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
You have the same chance to raise your concerns as the participants on site.
Participants in presence become the representatives for your own Constellation. * The field of Family Constellations wraps them with the same intensity, whether in presence or far away.
Easy registration, easy operation, stress-free participation.
* this does not guarantee that you will receive a Constellation. The lecturer chooses at his/her own discretion between online and on-site participants.
Constellation seminar
Seminar with Mimansa Farny
1 person
- Simultaneous translations into German, English, Portuguese. With the opportunity to present questions and issues in your native language.
- The possibility of receiving a constellation.
Would you like to have more experiences as a representative in a constellation?
Then register for the Constellation seminar with Mimansa Farny and attend it IN PERSON at Hellingerschule in Bad Reichenhall (Germany).
The experience accompanying the role of a representative is not only a decision and happening for the client, but also for the representative.
Limited participation capacity
Bad Reichenhall, Germany
Constellation seminar
Seminar with Mimansa Farny
1 person
- The possibility to participate in the constellation in person directly at the Hellingerschule.
- The possibility to ask questions in person directly at the Hellingerschule.