„Cosmic Power
Becoming a real human being“
Discover the power that drives everything at the seminar by Sophie Hellinger
„Cosmic Power Becoming a real human being“
Discover the power that drives
everything at the seminar
by Sophie Hellinger
„Cosmic Power
Becoming a real human being“
Discover the power that drives everything at the seminar by Sophie Hellinger
Cosmic Power® is everything that exists. It is energy, and energy is life.
Be aware of this, reflect on it, connect and through daily practice become a conscious co-creator. Realize that you are a part of creation.
If you are willing to integrate, respect, and apply hierarchical laws of order, then
You will find yourself in a realm that includes everything far and wide, for greater success in life.
You will become sensitive, clairaudient, clairvoyant, open, wider and in a deeper sense bigger and more.
You will be able to apply this as the basis for success in life as well as in health and in all other interpersonal relationships.
Cosmic Power®
is everything that exists.
It is energy, and energy is life.
Be aware of this, reflect on it, connect and through daily practice become a conscious co-creator. Realize that you are a part of creation.
What is necessary for Cosmic Power®?
The readiness, openness and the desire for more abundance, health, joy, happiness, more from life, meaning more - more - more; that alone is the condition to focus on new opportunities.
What is necessary
for Cosmic Power®?
The readiness, openness and the desire for more abundance, health, joy, happiness, more from life, meaning more - more - more; that alone is the condition to focus on new opportunities.
Cosmic Power is the basis of Original Hellinger® Constellations
With Cosmic Power®, family constellators and those who want to become family constellators learn the essentials that lead into depth.
Cosmic Power is the basis of Original Hellinger® Constellations.
With Cosmic Power®, family constellators and those who want to become family constellators learn the essentials that lead into depth.
„Cosmic Power - becoming a real human being“
1 person
- 1 day with Sophie Hellinger
- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom with interaction possibility and simultaneous translations into English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Bulgarian and Chinese
- With the possibility to present questions and issues in your native language and the possibility to receive a constellation
„Cosmic Power - becoming a real human being“
Presence – limited participation capacity
Reichenhall, Germany
1 person
- 1 day with Sophie Hellinger
- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom with interaction possibility and simultaneous translations into English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Bulgarian and Chinese
- With the possibility to present questions and issues in your native language and the possibility to receive a constellation
„Cosmic Power - becoming a real human being“
1 person
- 1 day with Sophie Hellinger
- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom with interaction possibility and simultaneous translations into English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Bulgarian and Chinese
- With the possibility to present questions and issues in your native language and the possibility to receive a constellation
„Cosmic Power - becoming a real human being“
Presence – limited participation capacity
Reichenhall, Germany
1 person
- 1 day with Sophie Hellinger
- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom with interaction possibility and simultaneous translations into English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Bulgarian and Chinese
- With the possibility to present questions and issues in your native language and the possibility to receive a constellation
Online seminar schedule
Please select your country.
The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find the schedule of the seminar according to your country's local time.
Berlin, Germany (UTC + 1)
São Paulo, Brazil (GMT-3)
Lisbon, Portugal (UTC +0)
Buenos Aires, Argentina (UTC-3)
Madrid, Spain (UTC + 1)
Rome, Italy (UTC + 1)
Moscow, Russia (UTC + 3)
London, United Kingdom (UTC +0)
Washington, DC, USA (GMT-5)
Sofia, Bulgaria (UTC + 2)
9:00 - 12:00 + 13:30 - 16:30
05:00 - 08:00 + 09:30 - 12:30
08:00 - 11:00 + 12:30 - 15:30
05:00 - 08:00 + 09:30 - 12:30
9:00 - 12:00 + 13:30 - 16:30
9:00 - 12:00 + 13:30 - 16:30
11:00 - 14:00 + 15:30 - 18:30
08:00 - 11:00 + 12:30 - 15:30
3:00am - 6:00am + 7:30am - 10:30am
10:00 - 13:00 + 14:30 - 17:30