
Seminario con Sophie Hellinger

Introducción a la constelación familiar

Get to know the unique phenomenon of Family Constellations from the first hand!


Seminario con Sophie Hellinger

Introducción a la constelación familiar

Get to know the unique phenomenon of Family Constellations from the first hand!

Family Constellation offers full transformation of your personality, relationships and environment

  • Experiencias sobre las "Órdenes del Amor"
  • Entender lo que está mal y lo que se puede cambiar
  • Encuentra el lugar adecuado y abre una nueva perspectiva de vida

Family Constellation offers full transformation of your personality, relationships and environment

  • Experiencias sobre las "Órdenes del Amor"
  • Entender lo que está mal y lo que se puede cambiar
  • Encuentra el lugar adecuado y abre una nueva perspectiva de vida

This seminar is for you if

You want to get first insight about Family Constellation

You want to experience the Power of Family Constellation in Hellinger® Schule

This seminar is for you if

You want to get first insight about Family Constellation

You want to experience the Power of Family Constellation in Hellinger® Schule

El seminario está dirigido por

Sophie Hellinger

  • Founder of the Hellinger® Schule
  • Co-founder of the Original Hellinger® Family Constellations
  • Discoverer and developer of Cosmic Power®

The seminar is facilitated by

Sophie Hellinger

  • • Founder of the Hellingerschule
  • • Co-founder of the Original Hellinger Family Constellations
  • • Discoverer and developer of Cosmic Power

Discover Family Constellation in Hellinger® Schule!

Family Constellation can clarify the background of an illness, the difficulties in the couple's relationship, or what stands in the way of their success in life.

Discover Family Constellation in Hellinger Schule!

Family Constellation can clarify the background of an illness, the difficulties in the couple's relationship, or what stands in the way of their success in life.

Elija el formato de participación

Introducción a la constelación familiar


1 persona

- Simultaneous translations into German, English, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese. Con la oportunidad de presentar preguntas y cuestiones en su lengua materna.

- La posibilidad de recibir una constelación.

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Introducción a la constelación familiar

Seminario Presencia

1 persona

- Simultaneous translations into German, English, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese. Con la oportunidad de presentar preguntas y cuestiones en su lengua materna.

- The possibility of receiving a constellation. Additionally, the chance to participate in constellations as a representative.

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Elija el formato de participación

Introducción a la constelación familiar


1 persona

- Simultaneous translations into German, English, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese. Con la oportunidad de presentar preguntas y cuestiones en su lengua materna.

- The possibility of receiving a constellation.

Sold out

Introducción a la constelación familiar

Seminario Presencia

1 persona

- Simultaneous translations into German, English, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese. Con la oportunidad de presentar preguntas y cuestiones en su lengua materna.

- The possibility of receiving a constellation. Additionally, the chance to participate in constellations as a representative.

Sold out

Horario del seminario en línea

Please select your country.

The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find encontrará el calendario del seminario según la hora local de su país.


13:30 - 16:30


8:30 - 11:30


12:30 - 15:30


8:30 - 11:30


13:30 - 16:30


13:30 - 16:30


14:30 - 17:30


12:30 - 15:30


7:30 - 10:30


14:30 - 17:30