Seminar with Sophie Hellinger Original Hellinger® Constellations – Always ahead of times

Always at the pulse – Sophie Hellinger moves forward!
Will you come along?

Here you will experience the latest findings of the Hellinger® research work.
We are training the new generation of family constellators.

Up to now, participants from over 50 nations have always attended annually. You will have experiences that are not possible in your own country and in your own environment. The international atmosphere creates a strong new field. It is impossible to describe it, only the experience counts here.

After the Hellinger® Days you will also say, like thousands before you - no matter if there was a personal constellation for you or not:
“My life BEFORE Hellinger® and my life AFTER Hellinger®.“

The multicultural field that builds up during these days should not be underestimated in any case.
The constellations become mass constellations across all borders. You will be immersed and lifted up into new levels of healing and understanding without necessarily having to do a constellation yourself. Being there is everything.
After these days and after what you have experienced, it is impossible to remain the same person in the old waters. The horizons shift and lift the veil of mystery. In these new levels and dimensions, the information merges into a new understanding of love and life in one's own heart.

Horarios del seminario:
10:00 - 13:00 + 15:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 13:00 + 15:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 13:00 + 15:00 - 18:00

Local de los eventos:
Kurgastzentrum Bad Reichenhall
Wittelsbacherstr. 15
83435 Bad Reichenhall

Información adicional:
Informaciones e Inscripciones:
+49 8652 656465

Please note that we may have to cancel your on-site participation due to Corona. We would inform you of this as early as possible, of course.
Online participation is always possible (as of 01.06.2021)


Información sobre la participación en línea


Requisitos técnicos:
A functioning videocam
Speakers, headphones (we recommend headphones for better understanding of the translation channel and for reducing background noise while asking questions or giving feedback during the seminar)
A stable internet connection (we recommend the use of a cable to connect to your internet)
Download ZOOM
Create an account on ZOOM (use the same email you used to register for the seminar)
If you already have an account, please make sure you use the LATEST VERSION of ZOOM
Instrucciones de upgrade:

Schedule (CET / UTC + 1 / GMT + 1)
Tenga en cuenta la zona horaria y las posibles desviaciones. Si se encuentra en una zona horaria diferente, calcule los horarios del seminario según su hora local.

La sala Zoom estará abierta 30 minutos antes de cada sesión para permitir que todos los participantes revisen su equipo y obtengan apoyo si es necesario.

Comunicación con el salón del seminario:
¡Los participantes online TENDRÁN la oportunidad de formular una pregunta a Sophie, de hacer una comentario e incluso de realizar una constelación!
Cuando Sophie se refiere al público online por favor levanta tu mano (física). Sophie elegirá una persona y se activa su micrófono. Podrás formular una pregunta en tu lengua materna que será traducida por el intérprete.

Apoyo técnico durante el seminario:
Alexandra Telegram/Whatasapp/Wechat (in English or Russian)

Elija el formato de participación

Seminario Online

Conferenciante: Sophie Hellinger
Ciudad: ----
País: Germany
Inicio: 10.10.2021
Fin: 12.10.2021
Idioma del curso: German, English, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Bulgarian
Precio: 750 €

Seminario Presencia

Conferenciante: Sophie Hellinger
Ciudad: Bad Reichenhall
País: Germany
Inicio: 10.10.2021
Fin: 12.10.2021
Idioma del curso: German, English, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Bulgarian
Precio: 750 €