Cosmic Power
by Sophie Hellinger

Cosmic Power® is energy.

Energy is movement. Movement is life. Life is energy.


"Cosmic Power Basic - What for? Why? Where to?"

A special course about Cosmic Power with Sophie Hellinger.

About its essence, areas of application, and unique possibilities.


„Cosmic Power
Becoming a real human being“

Discover the power that drives everything at the seminar by Sophie Hellinger

19. - 22.04.2022

„Cosmic Power Basic
What for, Where to“

A special course about Cosmic Power
with Sophie Hellinger.

About its essence, areas of application, and unique possibilities.

What is Cosmic Power?

Cosmic Power® is energy.

Energy is indestructible, it can only be transformed.

Energy is movement.

Movement is life.

Life is energy.

Cosmic Power® is neither a method nor a doctrine or a religion.

Cosmic Power is the force that moves everything.

What is necessary for Cosmic Power®?

Anyone can learn how to connect to Cosmic Power.

It only requires the awareness and the necessary mindfulness.

Cosmic Power®
gives life a new direction.

Cosmic Power®
leads into the lightness of existence, joy and happiness.

Cosmic Power®
brings answers to questions of life that are not conceivable or possible in our daily routine.

Cosmic Power®
is the connection with everything that is conceivable und inconceivable.