Seminar with
Evelyne Furthmeier
"Parents, Children, School, Learning, Teaching"
The instrument of Original Hellinger® Familienstellen can also be applied to all topics in the area of school. In a constellation, the deeper causes of school problems can come to light.
Seminar with
Evelyne Furthmeier
"Parents, Children, School, Learning, Teaching"
The instrument of Original Hellinger® Familienstellen can also be applied to all topics in the area of school.
In a constellation, the deeper causes of school problems can come to light.
How Family Constellation can help?
Who is this seminar for?
- → For so-called difficult children. They are at the same time the children who love the most and therefore represent a complex task for teachers and parents.They are distressed by their blind, magical childish love, directed backwards towards the system.
- →For teachers, a school constellation is a supervision opportunity to recognize the deeper layers of problems and conflicts in relation to students, parents of students, colleagues, or superiors.
New spaces for action become apparent. A clear picture of one's own position for dealing with all those concerned is found. So that the common goal of "learning" is again in focus.
How Family Constellation can help?
Who is this seminar for?
- → For so-called difficult children. They are at the same time the children who love the most and therefore represent a complex task for teachers and parents.
- They are distressed by their blind, magical childish love, directed backwards towards the system.
- →For teachers, a school constellation is a supervision opportunity to recognize the deeper layers of problems and conflicts in relation to students, parents of students, colleagues, or superiors.
- New spaces for action become apparent. A clear picture of one's own position for dealing with all those concerned is found. So that the common goal of "learning" is again in focus.
In the working field of school, the basic orders of rank and belonging can be ignored as quickly as in hardly any other field.
These orders are violated unconsciously. The consequences are conflicts, aggression, learning disorders, lack of concentration, ADHD, misunderstandings, arguments, exclusion, bullying, etc.
In the working field of school, the basic orders of rank and belonging can be ignored as quickly as in hardly any other field.
These orders are violated unconsciously. The consequences are conflicts, aggression, learning disorders, lack of concentration, ADHD, misunderstandings, arguments, exclusion, bullying, etc.
The seminar is facilitated by
Evelyne Furthmeier
With the help of a constellation, for example, it can succeed:
- • to recognize and comply with the violated orders
- • to take the right place in the school area
- • to find relief in school routine
- • to see one's own strengths as orientation
- • to find solutions for school problems
- • to adopt new perspectives and attitudes
- • to develop strength and serenity
- • to gain joy in school and in learning
- • to develop respect for the "offer of school"
- • to experience reconciliation with one's own school days
- • to let a reorientation take place
- • to prevent burn-out by recognizing one's own limits
- • to develop new ways of learning and success
- • to experience learning again without stress
The seminar is facilitated by
Evelyne Furthmeier
With the help of a constellation, for example, it can succeed:
- • to recognize and comply with the violated orders
- • to take the right place in the school area
- • to find relief in school routine
- • to see one's own strengths as orientation
- • to find solutions for school problems
- • to adopt new perspectives and attitudes
- • to develop strength and serenity
- • to gain joy in school and in learning
- • to develop respect for the "offer of school"
- • to experience reconciliation with one's own school days
- • to let a reorientation take place
- • to prevent burn-out by recognizing one's own limits
- • to develop new ways of learning and success
- • to experience learning again without stress