25.-28.07.2023 (2 hours daily)

„Cosmic Power®️ Basic
What for? Why? Where to?“

About body awareness, conscious breathing, and inner alignment. A special course by and with Sophie Hellinger.


"Cosmic Power®️ Basic - What for? Why? Where to?"

A special course with Sophie Hellinger.

About its essence, areas of application, and unique possibilities.


„Cosmic Power
Becoming a real human being“

Discover the power that drives everything at the seminar by Sophie Hellinger


„Cosmic Power®️ Basic

What for? Why? Where to?“

A special course about Cosmic Power
with Sophie Hellinger.

About its essence, areas of application, and unique possibilities.

Cosmic Power® is the path of full life potential

Cosmic Power® is the path of power to self-determination. The inner power is unleashed and a new reality of our being presents itself.

Cosmic Power® offers solutions for countless questions in life and is accessible to everyone. It leads to ease, joy and happiness in your own life.

Cosmic Power® is the path of full life potential

Cosmic Power® is the path of power to self-determination. The inner power is unleashed and a new reality of our being presents itself.

Cosmic Power® offers solutions for countless questions in life and is accessible to everyone. It leads to ease, joy and happiness in your own life.

Course content
"Cosmic Power® Basics - What for, why, where to"

This seminar focuses on the following key points: You learn to listen to your body and understand its hidden language. This helps you to identify unconscious blockages in your body and to deal with your feelings and trauma. Sophie Hellinger explains the importance of breathing exercises and meditation to help you connect more deeply with yourself. The aspect of physical and inner orientation is also dealt with, with the focus on the inner decision. During the course you will always have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers to your concerns.

Content of course
"Cosmic Power Basic - What for? Why? Where to?"

Areas of application and possibilities, results from practice


Learning to speak to the body

Perceive Unconscious Blockages