
SEMINAR WITH sophie hellinger

"Success in life,
success in work"

How to succeed in both together?

What determines whether or not we succeed in life and at work?


Seminar with Sophie Hellinger

"Success in life,
success in work"

How to succeed in both together?

What determines whether or not we succeed in life and at work?

Love, family and career follow the same laws of success and failure.

We often distinguish between the areas of family, personal fulfilment and personal happiness in relationships on the one hand and the areas of work and career on the other, as if we could and should separate them.

And yet the "one" conditions the "other".

The same laws of happiness and unhappiness.

The same laws and orders in life and love.

In this special seminar you can gain insights into what promotes or hinders success.

These fundamental underlying orders are basic laws of life that bring their profound effects to light as soon as they are violated.

We can counteract failure by applying and observing the basic principles of life.

So that we are able to avert bad things in time.
For this, it is necessary to know these laws and to apply them.

In this special seminar you can gain insights into what promotes or hinders success.

These fundamental underlying orders are basic laws of life that bring their profound effects to light as soon as they are violated.

We can counteract failure by applying and observing the basic principles of life.

Basic principles of life.

So that we are able to avert bad things in time.
For this, it is necessary to know these laws and to apply them.


The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find the schedule of the seminar according to your country's local time.


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com


The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find the schedule of the seminar according to your country's local time.


Online-Live seminar

Whether on site or at home, you are an active part of the seminar.

You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
You have the same chance to raise your concerns as the participants on site.

Participants in presence become the representatives for your own Constellation. * The field of Family Constellations wraps them with the same intensity, whether in presence or far away.

Easy registration, easy operation, stress-free participation.

* this does not guarantee that you will receive a Constellation. The lecturer chooses at his/her own discretion between online and on-site participants.