
Constellation seminar

4-days seminar with Sophie Hellinger

Original Hellinger® Constellations helps people with current and chronic problems


Constellation seminar

with Sophie Hellinger

4-days seminar with Sophie Hellinger

Original Hellinger® Familienstellen
help define the right place and purpose in life


Constellation seminar

4-days seminar with Sophie Hellinger

Original Hellinger® Constellations help people with current and chronic problems

The constellation seminars in Hellinger Schule
are our offer to people with current and chronic problems.

Here, concrete concerns of the participants are thoroughly explored with the help of constellations and the paths to possible solutions are shown.

Original Hellinger® Family Constellations help

To identify what makes families ill and prevents individuals from living a fulfilled life.

To find the real reasons why life plans "fail".

To discover new motivation, new perspectives and positive stimulation of many kinds.

Original Hellinger® Family Constellations help

To identify what makes families ill and prevents individuals from living a fulfilled life.

To find the real reasons why life plans "fail".

To discover new motivation, new perspectives and positive stimulation of many kinds.

A constellation is a powerful tool that reveals non-obvious connections of events.

Only by recognising and accepting the cause(s), often long in the past, are steps towards a solution possible.

Even if a participant does not want a constellation, he or she can find connections to his or her own situation in each constellation and draw conclusions that will change his or her life in a positive way.

There is nothing to lose, only much to gain.