
and training

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Seminar with Sophie Hellinger

9.04.2022 - 10.04.2022

"Me and my solution"

Are you happy with your life?
Why has your destiny turned out this way?

Is there a solution for everything? Can everything in life be changed?

Yes! YOU have it in your own hands

Take part in the seminar of the Hellinger School to find the solutions you have been looking for for a long time! Already with the DECISION to go to the seminar, you lay the foundation for lasting changes that will a great impact on your life!

Seminar with Sophie Hellinger

9.04.2022 - 10.04.2022

“Me and my solution”

Are you happy with your life?
Why has your destiny turned out this way?

Is there a solution for everything? Can everything in life be changed?

Yes! YOU have it in your own hands!

Take part in the seminar of the Hellinger School to find the solutions you have been looking for for a long time! Already with the DECISION to go to the seminar, you lay the foundation for lasting changes that will a great impact on your life!

Too many people hope for a miracle that will magically make all the difficulties and problems in their lives go away - without them having to lift a finger.


But YOU alone have the power to move miracles! Find the source of your life that carries all the answers!

You are the descendant of your family. The problems and difficulties of your ancestors are inherited and become your own.

These problems are not always obvious and are often hidden.

Sophie Hellinger helps you to recognize common family challenges and to make a DECISION to free yourself from the burdens of your family. With the power of family constellations blind spots can be uncovered - only then healing is possible!

Bert Hellinger is the originator and founder of Familienstellen.
His spirit of research, pioneering and creation never rested.
Bert Hellinger and Sophie Hellinger called the results
of this long-time joint research work Hellinger sciencia®.

Hellinger sciencia® is the "science of all interpersonal relationships".

The quintessence of this is 112 books in 41 languages. In the VideoArchive of Hellinger sciencia®,
Hellinger® publications exist over 4000 hours of teaching and learning videos and audio recordings.


recognized the basic principles of
life, which he called the "Orders
of Love". Since then, we have
been able to see the relationships
amongpeople in a different
context, to understand them and to
communicate them to others for the
success of life. With this deep look into the
soul, we see through the secret movements of a person. They are always motives of love, but in full
realization they can also cause disasters, for
oneself and others. Spontaneous evaluations of another person are superficial and do not do justice to the secret, fundamental dynamics behind them. The Hellinger®schule is committed to the contents and insights of Hellinger scienca®. It conveys these in a way that can be experienced in real life, in theory and practice. Furthermore, it guarantees the preservation of the quality and purity of Original Hellinger® Familienstellen in the spirit and sense of Bert and Sophie
Hellinger. It is the connection to the origin of these still incomprehensible insights of Bert Hellinger. He was always far ahead of the times. Only today epigenetics provides the evidence for this.

Sophie Hellinger
