Seminar with Sophie Hellinger "I and my partner” (Module IV)

Всички ние започваме връзка с големи надежди и очаквания, с радост, щастие и увереност. Небето е високо и ние летим далеч заедно.
But after a certain time, everyday life catches up with us and thus brings us back down to earth. Everyday life must be managed and lived, but it should not only be survived.
Големият въпрос е: защо партньорът ни издига до седмото небе, а после ни оставя да паднем в най-долния ад?

Страдаме, изгаряме, вече не разбираме света.

Всичко започна толкова обещаващо, а сега това.
• This challenge and sometimes even the "end".
• The great silence, refusal and rejection.
• Condemnation, judgement and blame.

Най-късно тук осъзнаваме, че се движим в омагьосан кръг и се нуждаем от помощ.
If we are not able to step out of these feelings and views in order to completely reorient ourselves, then this experienced, hoped for and dreamed of happiness is lost, broken and over.

Това означава, че новите обстоятелства се нуждаят от нови отговори и напълно нови начини на поведение, за да се запази тази голяма любов, която е била изпитвана по онова време.
It should be remembered that a crisis is never caused by just one person, but by two people. There is the superficial and the secret perpetrator, so that a conflict can occur at all.
Whoever wants to be right and always asserts themselves in the same way, shows no willingness to really get involved with the other person or to put something to the test inside themselves.

The consequence: the relationship has already failed. It is only a question of time, until the other one needs to strengthen enough to focus on their own new future.

Every relationship leads us into the greatest happiness, into the most beautiful experience, and at the same time it is and remains the greatest challenge for personal growth throughout a lifetime.
For this reason alone, every couple, every partner is a great treasure that leads us to what we really are:
A jewel!

Seminar times:
10:00 - 13:00 + 15:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 13:00 + 15:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 13:00 + 15:00 - 17:00


Other Information:
Seminar location according to the current status Bischofswiesen or Bad Reichenhall.

Additional information:
This seminar is also part of the training to become an "Original Hellinger® Family Constellator" and the further education in "Personal Growth"

Information about CORONA-related CHANGES at our seminars can be found there:

23 credit hours

Contact Hellinger®schule Germany:

Tel +49 8652 656465

Please note that we may have to cancel your on-site participation due to Corona. We would inform you of this as early as possible, of course.
Online participation is always possible (as of 01.05.2021)

Lecturer: Sophie Hellinger
City: ----
Country: Germany
Start: 12.11.2021
End: 14.11.2021
Course language: German, English, Italian, Russian
Price: 800 €