
Seminar with Hermann Furthmeier

Our Father:
Influence and Meaning

This seminar emphasizes the global significance of fathers in the personal and emotional growth of every person.


Семинар със Софи Хелингер

Our Father:
Influence and Meaning

You will learn about the driving force behind this situation and receive solution steps for all involved to finally take your true place and let go of abandonment and unfulfilled love.

The role and importance of fathers are often underestimated,

this seminar offers a profound and enriching perspective with the experienced lecturer from the Hellinger school, Hermann Furthmeier.

As a father himself, Hermann Furthmeier creates a space for understanding, reflection, and appreciation of the paternal influences in our lives. This seminar highlights the universal relevance of fathers to the personal and emotional development of each individual.

In a society where the role and importance of fathers are often underestimated,

this seminar offers a profound and enriching perspective with the experienced lecturer from the Hellinger school, Hermann Furthmeier.

As a father himself, Hermann Furthmeier creates a space for understanding, reflection, and appreciation of the paternal influences in our lives. This seminar highlights the universal relevance of fathers to the personal and emotional development of each individual.

What to expect at the seminar?

  • → Universal Significance of the Father: Explore the pervasive relevance of the father figure and how this relationship, regardless of its form, is a fundamental aspect of our identity and development.
  • → The Indispensability of the Father: Understand why the father plays much more than a complementary role in the family.
  • → The Role of the Father: Learn from Hermann Furthmeier how the father contributes to the development of an independent personality and how his unique role helps us to emancipate ourselves from other formative influences.
  • → The Wisdom of Bert Hellinger: Dive into the teachings of Bert Hellinger and explore the special quality of paternal love, which is an indispensable pillar for individual progress and personal growth.
  • → Practical Application: Through interactive exercises and discussions, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own relationship with their father and find approaches for possibly redefining this relationship.

What to expect at the seminar?

  • → Universal Significance of the Father: Explore the pervasive relevance of the father figure and how this relationship, regardless of its form, is a fundamental aspect of our identity and development.
  • → The Indispensability of the Father: Understand why the father plays much more than a complementary role in the family.
  • → The Role of the Father: Learn from Hermann Furthmeier how the father contributes to the development of an independent personality and how his unique role helps us to emancipate ourselves from other formative influences.
  • → The Wisdom of Bert Hellinger: Dive into the teachings of Bert Hellinger and explore the special quality of paternal love, which is an indispensable pillar for individual progress and personal growth.
  • → Practical Application: Through interactive exercises and discussions, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own relationship with their father and find approaches for possibly redefining this relationship.

Онлайн график на семинарите

The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find графика на семинара според местното време на вашата страна.


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График на семинарите

The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find графика на семинара според местното време на вашата страна.


Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

Online-Live seminar

Независимо дали сте на място или у дома, вие сте активна част от семинара.

You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
Давате и получавате отзиви.

Участниците в присъствието стават представители на собственото си Съзвездие. * Полето на семейните съзвездия ги обгръща със същата интензивност, независимо дали са в присъствие или далеч.

Имате същата възможност да изкажете опасенията си като участниците на място.

* това не гарантира, че ще получите съзвездие. Лекторът избира по своя преценка между онлайн участници и участници на място.

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Seminar with Hermann Furthmeier

Our Father:
Influence and Meaning

- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom

- Едновременни преводи на английски, руски, испански, португалски, италиански, български и китайски език

- С възможността да представите въпросите и темите си на родния си език и получаване на констелация

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Online-Live seminar

Независимо дали сте на място или у дома, вие сте активна част от семинара.

You see what is happening and you are seen.
You talk to lecturers.
You listen to their answers.
You give and receive feedbacks.
Давате и получавате отзиви.

Участниците в присъствието стават представители на собственото си Съзвездие. * Полето на семейните съзвездия ги обгръща със същата интензивност, независимо дали са в присъствие или далеч.

Имате същата възможност да изкажете опасенията си като участниците на място.

* това не гарантира, че ще получите съзвездие. Лекторът избира по своя преценка между онлайн участници и участници на място.

zoom online

Seminar with Hermann Furthmeier

"Our Father:
Influence and Meaning

- Live broadcast of the seminar via Zoom

- Едновременни преводи на английски, руски, испански, португалски, италиански, български и китайски език

- С възможността да представите въпросите и темите си на родния си език и получаване на констелация

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Would you like to have more experiences as a representative in a constellation?

Then register for the "Our father: Influence and meaning" and attend it IN PERSON at Hellingerschule in Bad Reichenhall (Germany).

Преживяването, което се получава в ролята на представител, е решение и събитие не само за клиента, но и за представителя.

person in-person

Seminar with Hermann Furthmeier

 Our Father:

Influence and Meaning

- Едновременни преводи на английски, руски, испански, португалски, италиански, български и китайски език

- Възможността, на място в Бад Райхенхал лично да задавате въпроси.

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