Семинар със Софи Хелингер
9.04.2022 - 10.04.2022
Модул II от обучението за Семейна констелация
"Аз и моето решение"
Доволни ли сте от живота си?
Защо съдбата ви се е развила по този начин?
Има ли решение за всичко? Може ли всичко в живота да се промени?
Yes! YOU have it in your own hands!
Take part in the seminar of the Hellinger School to find the solutions you have been looking for for a long time! Already with the DECISION to go to the seminar, you lay the foundation for lasting changes that will a great impact on your life!
Семинар със Софи Хелингер
9.04.2022 - 10.04.2022
"Аз и моето решение"
Доволни ли сте от живота си?
Why has your destiny turned out this way?
Има ли решение за всичко? Може ли всичко в живота да се промени?
Yes! YOU have it in your own hands
Вземете участие в семинара на Школата Хелингер, за да намерите решенията, които търсите! Още с това решение, да отидете на семинара, поставяте основите на трайни промени, които ще променят живота ви!
Семинар със Софи Хелингер
9.04.2022 - 10.04.2022
"Аз и моето решение"
Доволни ли сте от живота си?
Защо съдбата ви се е развила по този начин?
Има ли решение за всичко? Може ли всичко в живота да се промени?
Yes! YOU have it in your own hands!
Take part in the seminar of the Hellinger School to find the solutions you have been looking for for a long time! Already with the DECISION to go to the seminar, you lay the foundation for lasting changes that will a great impact on your life!
Too many people hope for a miracle that will magically make all the difficulties and problems in their lives go away - without them having to lift a finger.
But YOU alone have the power to move miracles! Find the source of your life that carries all the answers!
Вие сте потомък на своето семейство. Проблемите и трудностите на предците ви се наследяват и стават ваши собствени.
These problems are not always obvious and are often hidden.
Sophie Hellinger helps you to recognize common family challenges and to make a DECISION to free yourself from the burdens of your family. With the power of family constellations blind spots can be uncovered - only then healing is possible!
Твърде много хора се надяват на чудо, което магически ще накара всички трудности и проблеми в живота им да изчезнат - без да им се налага да си мръднат пръста. Но само ВИЕ имате тази сила да правите чудеса! Открийте източника на живота си, който съдържа всички отговори!
But YOU alone have the power to move miracles! Find the source of your life that carries all the answers!
You are the descendant of your family. The problems and difficulties of your ancestors are inherited and become your own.
These problems are not always obvious and are often hidden.
Sophie Hellinger helps you to recognize common family challenges and to make a DECISION to free yourself from the burdens of your family. With the power of family constellations blind spots can be uncovered - only then healing is possible!
Твърде много хора се надяват на чудо, което магически ще накара всички трудности и проблеми в живота им да изчезнат - без да им се налага да си мръднат пръста. Но само ВИЕ имате тази сила да правите чудеса! Открийте източника на живота си, който съдържа всички отговори!
Но само ВИЕ имате тази сила да правите чудеса! Открийте източника на живота си, който съдържа всички отговори!
You are the descendant of your family. The problems and difficulties of your ancestors are inherited and become your own.
Тези проблеми не винаги са очевидни и често са скрити.
Sophie Hellinger helps you to recognize common family challenges and to make a DECISION to free yourself from the burdens of your family. With the power of family constellations blind spots can be uncovered - only then healing is possible!
Too many people hope for a miracle that will magically make all the difficulties and problems in their lives go away - without them having to lift a finger.
But YOU alone have the power to move miracles! Find the source of your life that carries all the answers!
You are the descendant of your family. The problems and difficulties of your ancestors are inherited and become your own.
These problems are not always obvious and are often hidden.
Sophie Hellinger helps you to recognize common family challenges and to make a DECISION to free yourself from the burdens of your family. With the power of family constellations blind spots can be uncovered - only then healing is possible!
Забелязали ли сте, че съдбата на различните поколения в едно семейство понякога е много сходна?
It often happens that painful strokes of fate repeat themselves in the lives of generations in the same family. Many people live with this, while they often observe this pattern.
Family constellations help you to understand the entanglements of your family and to find the right SOLUTION that can completely change your destiny!
Have you noticed that the fate of different generations in the same family is sometimes very similar?
It often happens that painful strokes of fate repeat themselves in the lives of generations in the same family. Many people live with this, while they often observe this pattern.
Family constellations help you to understand the entanglements of your family and to find the right SOLUTION that can completely change your destiny!
Забелязали ли сте, че съдбата на различните поколения в едно семейство понякога е много сходна?
It often happens that painful strokes of fate repeat themselves in the lives of generations in the same family. Many people live with this, while they often observe this pattern.
Family constellations help you to understand the entanglements of your family and to find the right SOLUTION that can completely change your destiny!
Online seminar schedule
The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find графика на семинара според местното време на вашата страна.
1. част
2. част
1. част
2. част
Would you like to have more experiences as a representative in a constellation?
След това се регистрирайте за Модул II на обучението по семейно констелиране "Аз и моето решение" и го посетете ЛИЧНО в Hellingerschule в Бад Райхенхал (Германия).
Преживяването, което се получава в ролята на представител, е решение и събитие не само за клиента, но и за представителя.
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