Семинар с
Dr. Rüdiger Rogoll
"Life Script Analysis "
Unconscious life plans can be "rewritten" through therapeutic strategies
Семинар с
Dr. Rüdiger Rogoll
"Life Script Analysis "
Unconscious life plans can be "rewritten" through therapeutic strategies
Important to know about Life Script Analysis:
- → Many behaviours that we don't like about ourselves or that are destructive, we cannot stop or change by force.
- → There seem to be completely autonomous internal programmes running, which we call "entanglements" in family constellations.
- → In transactional analysis, these programmes are called "scripts": Scripts for the "movie" of our lives.
Important to know about Life Script Analysis:
- → Many behaviours that we don't like about ourselves or that are destructive, we cannot stop or change by force.
- → There seem to be completely autonomous internal programmes running, which we call "entanglements" in family constellations.
- → In transactional analysis, these programmes are called "scripts": Scripts for the "movie" of our lives.
But what do we do when the script offers no help but sabotages and restrictions?
Unconscious life plans can be "rewritten" through therapeutic strategies.
But what do we do when the script offers no help but sabotages and restrictions?
Unconscious life plans can be "rewritten" through therapeutic strategies.
Семинарът се води от
Dr. Rüdiger Rogoll
"In this course I offer methods of different psychological schools - in theory and mainly as personal experience.
The focus is on concepts of Jung's psychology (dreams, symbols, archetypes) and transactional analysis..."
No specific previous knowledge or preparations are required.
Семинарът се води от
Dr. Rüdiger Rogoll
"In this course I offer methods of different psychological schools - in theory and mainly as personal experience.
The focus is on concepts of Jung's psychology (dreams, symbols, archetypes) and transactional analysis..."
No specific previous knowledge or preparations are required.
Seminar with Dr. Rüdiger Rogoll
"Life Script Analysis "
1 човек
- Simultaneous translations into немски, английски, португалски, китайски. - С възможност да поставите личен въпрос и тема на родния си език.
Seminar with Dr. Rüdiger Rogoll
"Life Script Analysis"
1 човек
- Simultaneous translations into German, English, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese. - С възможност да поставите личен въпрос и тема на родния си език.
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The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find графика на семинара според местното време на вашата страна.
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Please select your country.
The seminar runs in all countries at the same time. Below you will find графика на семинара според местното време на вашата страна.
Would you like to have more experiences as a representative in a constellation?
Then register for the seminar "Life Script Analysis" and attend it IN PERSON at Hellinger Schule in Germany.
Преживяването, което се получава в ролята на представител, е решение и събитие не само за клиента, но и за представителя.
Limited participation capacity
Бад Райхенхал, Германия
Seminar with Dr. Rüdiger Rogoll
"Life Script Analysis "
1 човек
- Възможност да задавате въпроси лично